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You’ve Been Tagged In A Post

What you do next says a lot.

6/16/2022 | Designer Patch

What do you do if you or your company has been tagged (or mentioned) in a social media post?

Hopefully, you said ‘engage’.

Granted, if the tag is spam then ignore or report, but if it’s a genuine tag by another company, customer, or industry friend you better be jumping on that! Sprout Social said it best, “without Social, it’s just Media.”

A ‘like’ is great, you’re showing you acknowledged the post, however, comments and shares go so much further. Don’t be like the “company” in this TikTok and sleep on tags.

Here's what you can get by engaging:

Free Advertising

If it’s a photo or video showing off one of your products, this UGI (User Generated Content) is free advertising! With zero effort you now have a new piece of content that shows your product in a positive light. (Best practice is to ask the poster if you can share.)

Say there’s a particular group and someone tags you in a post, they want to draw that post to your attention. It could be to inform you that your company messed up on something or it could be that they think you can provide some help and expertise to whatever is being discussed. Ignoring the tag and not jumping into the conversation can be perceived as you not caring.

Sales Leads
Like the two reasons before, interacting with a tag could lead to a sale or a potential new customer.

If you’re still not sold on responding to social media mentions; think about hearing someone mention you or your company in person, you wouldn’t ignore them, would you? Social media should be the same.

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