podcast & video

Broaden your advertising reach with industry sponsorships.

  • Showcase your company alongside the industry's leading podcasts and video series
  • Videos are hosted on our YouTube Channel
  • All podcasts and videos are housed on PromoJournal.com
  • All podcasts and videos are shared on our Facebook, X, LinkedIn
  • Behind The Brand is also shared on our Instagram
  • All podcasts and videos are included in PromoJournal Daily Digest emails
Sponsorship Pricing
Delivery Marketing Joy
Weekly video series - Wednesdays. 4-week buy. Ad card at beginning.
$300 per episode
A.Madl's Closet
Monthly video series - last Thursday. Three (3) products with talking points.
$300 per episode
The Rundown
Bi-weekly video series - second & fourth Fridays. Read and ad card at beginning and end.
$300 per episode
Behind The Brand
Monthly video series - first Friday. Showcase your brand, best sellers and how you got started..
$1000 per episode