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Be Where Your Feet Are

If we want to be happier, we need to "be where our feet are."

9/6/2021 | The Monday Minute

Text Version:

Hey this is Kirby Hasseman with the Monday Minute.

I was on my morning walk recently, listening to a podcast, when I heard something that made me stop. The person said, "If you want to be happier...be where your feet are"

What simple and profound advice. So many of us are being just about anywhere BUT where are feet are! We spend time frustrated with what happened at work, worried about what will happen at home, or constantly scrolling through the highlight reel of other peoples lives on social media. What we don't spend a lot of time doing...is living in the now.

I read once that you should make a list of all the negative emotions on a piece of paper. Seriously...write them down. What you will find is, almost all of them are rooted in either the past or the future. You are either angry about what happened in the past or anxious about what might happen in the future. Negative emotions, unless you are actually in physical pain right now, are almost NEVER rooted in the present.

The advice is simple. Close your eyes. Take a breath. Then open your eyes and take stock of what is right in front of you. This exercise brings you back to the moment...so you can enjoy the present.

In other words...if you want to be happier...be where your feet are.

Thanks so much for watching the Monday Minute.

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